Welcome to Harrison Markfield

Professional Business Mentoring and Guidance For Your Engineering Business

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Leading The Way

Harrison Markfield is committed to helping businesses like yours succeed. Our team of experts provides personalised support and guidance to help you make the changes necessary to become a leader in your industry. We offer a range of services to help you reach your goals.

Contact us today to learn more.

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What we offer

Explore the range of services from Harrison Markfield to move your business forward, and discover how we can collaborate effectively

Interim Management

Harrison Markfield recognises the impact of key personnel transitions on businesses. Our Interim Sales Directors and Managers address leadership gaps, ensuring continuity and actively advancing towards business goals for sustained growth.

Goal Setting & Action Planning

Harrison Markfield focuses on achieving pragmatic business goals through strategic planning, employing industry-leading methodologies such as DMAIC. Our services encompass devising growth strategies, enhancing operational efficiency, and implementing measures to boost profitability and skills development.

Strategy and Sales

We collaborate closely with business owners, assisting them in pinpointing and overcoming obstacles that impede the realisation of their goals. Harrison Markfield delivers actionable insights and guidance to adeptly tackle business challenges.

Leadership Development

Harrison Markfield can help entrepreneurs, business owners and managers develop their leadership skills, including communication, delegation, and decision-making. We offer support and guidance on how to manage teams and motivate employees through personalised training and support.